Egyptian; Dendur, Nubia
Statue of a togatus, ca. 14–9 B.C.;
Augustan Roman
Cinerary chest with lid, Imperial, Flavian or Trajanic, ca. 90–110 A.D.
Terret (Rein Guide), 1st century A.D.
Celtic; Britain
Portrait bust of a bearded man, ca. 150–75 A.D.; Antonine
Wing Fibula, 2nd century; Late Roman
Provincial Roman; Made in Pannonia
Intaglio with a portrait of Empress Julia Domna, ca. 205–210; Severan
Jug, ca. 220-250
Sarcophagus with the contest between the Muses and the Sirens, Late Imperial, Gallienic, third quarter of 3rd century A.D.
Roman; in the Villa Nero, Rome
Portrait head of Emperor Constantine I, ca. 324–337; Constantinian; Late Antique period